©Kaia Rae, 2017 Many iGen teens are “addicted” to their smartphones, unable to imagine a world without them. Many modern-day teens do homework with their phones in hand. Is this the most productive way work? Objective: The objective of this study was to acquire qualitative data determining if restricting phone usage effects anxiety and productivity…
Category: my writings
Phone Contract
I just found this while looking through old documents! My parents made me write and sign this contract before I could get an iPhone when I was 14. I had to promise I would obey all their rules regarding screen time and that I would not become addicted…Oops! I also promised I would not bring…
A fictional story I wrote in 2012 about a family
An apple a day keeps my parents away! It is 2006 and the Kaminski’s are living in rural Russia. “Get in the tub already!” said Mrs. Kaminski as her reluctant 11 year old daughter Olga, gets in the wash basin. The family had to use a wash basin to wash and only changed the water…
An Apple a day keeps my parents away
How the iPhone changed my family. I wrote this in 2011, when I was 10 years old. Chapter 1: It all began with my dad It all started with my dad. When he first bought an iPhone 3 he got lost in the realm of these strange electronic devices that were brand new and…