Everyone in my family has this app and I have convinced many of my friends to download it as well. The results are extremely insightful. You don’t have to change your habits if they suit you but with this app, you will have information on your usage and give you the choice to change. https://inthemoment.io/…
Category: resources
Study on Bay Area High Schoolers With and Without Smartphones: Measures Productivity Doing Homework and Anxiety
©Kaia Rae, 2017 Many iGen teens are “addicted” to their smartphones, unable to imagine a world without them. Many modern-day teens do homework with their phones in hand. Is this the most productive way work? Objective: The objective of this study was to acquire qualitative data determining if restricting phone usage effects anxiety and productivity…
Tech Talk Tuesday
Screenagers filmmaker, Dr. Delaney Ruston, shares her family’s weekly topics to help you manage and decrease struggles around screen time. Subscribe to her Tech Talk Tuesday program to receive conversation starters about social media, video game use, tech tips, latest research and more. TTTs work any day but the key is to stick with it….
Phone Contract
I just found this while looking through old documents! My parents made me write and sign this contract before I could get an iPhone when I was 14. I had to promise I would obey all their rules regarding screen time and that I would not become addicted…Oops! I also promised I would not bring…
How Is Your Phone Changing You? The video.
For those of you that are bored of reading long articles, here is an extremely engaging video about how phones are negatively impacting us. There are more sides to the issue of digital technology than the negative ones but this video argues that instead of obliterating phones, we should begin taking “smartphone vacations”, a break…
Podcast coming soon!
I am excited to announce that I will be launching the Devices Divide podcast in the very near future! I will be interviewing professionals in the tech and media worlds along with parents and teenagers of the current iGen. Here is a preview of some exciting upcoming interviews: Tristan Harris, who has been called the “closest thing…
Things to do instead of being on your phone
101 THINGS TO DO INSTEAD OF BEING ON YOUR PHONE: Our phones have become a constant distraction; it’s time we put them down and rediscovered the simple art of taking a few minutes to do something or simply be bored. This book offers an extensive list of games and tips aimed at curing us…
super cool books
Get The F*ck Off Your Screen “To shut down an argument over whether my kid could have more screen time (no, no and no), I sent myself to my room until I was ready to talk calmly. Then I got online to research Outward Bound programs and text my friend Lia about how much I hate…