I wrote this in 2011, when I was 10 years old.
Chapter 1:
It all began with my dad
It all started with my dad. When he first bought an iPhone 3 he got lost in the realm of these strange electronic devices that were brand new and smarter than humans in some ways. Where their lord: Google and co-assistant Siri. He was always on his iPhone texting, emailing, calling or asking his wise lord (Google) something. Whenever I wanted to ask him something, I often had to say it at least twice and only then he would look up and say “huh? Sorry I was texting somebody” or something like that. In which case, I would have to say it again. The iPhone really changed the focus of my dad with our family.
Then we were on a train from Zurich, Switzerland to Paris, France and my dad left his precious iPhone on the train, so he told my mom that he had to buy an iPhone 4 (at the time my mom with her flip phone was opposed to spending our money on this technology) so he did. When he got the ‘better’ phone with a wiser god, for a while, he became even more attentive to his phone. Then, eventually the newness sort of wore off and he started being less and less on his phone, and it got better. But then…
Chapter 2:
It starts all over with my mom and hasn’t ended yet
My dad says one day “hey Lia (my mom) let’s go get you an iPhone,” so we go and buy my mom an iPhone (a bad idea). So, it basically starts again except much worse. My mom is, and has been, addicted to her iPhone since she found out they existed. She is constantly texting, updating her Facebook status, or emailing, (not so much calling anymore). When we go for a family walk, she frequently lags behind, doing something or other on her phone. When we are in the car, and my dad is driving, she totally blends out of our conversations and my dad, my brother or myself, have to repeatedly tell her to get off of her iPhone and get involved in what we are doing. When we come home, she often either gets on her computer or her phone ( I don’t have to tell you what happens after that).
What I think about it all:
Phones have majorly affected the world. They have caused car accidents, and most of all, broken family bonds. Digital electronics has really changed the people as well. The way we think, the way we interact and many other things. Don’t get me wrong though, I think iPhones are very smart but they do have pros and cons. digital technology has advanced our society and brought many jobs, created more educated people and much, much more. Referring back to the Buddha. What he said still holds true. Follow the middle path, do things in moderation. Some technology is fine, but not too much.
If someone you know keeps telling you to get off of your electronic device or you’re telling them, maybe you or they thinking the same thing as me. Show them this article to spread the word about the effects of technology.