“SAN FRANCISCO — The people who are closest to a thing are often the most wary of it. Technologists know how phones really work, and many have decided they don’t want their own children anywhere near them.
A wariness that has been slowly brewing is turning into a regionwide consensus: The benefits of screens as a learning tool are overblown, and the risks for addiction and stunting development seem high. The debate in Silicon Valley now is about how much exposure to phones is O.K…”
This New York Times article talks about a family where both parents are involved in the tech-industry, one a facebook engineer and how they deal with their young children’s relationship with screens. “There is a looming issue Ms. Stecher sees in the future: Her husband, who is 39, loves video games and thinks they can be educational and entertaining. She does not.”
“We have friends who are screen abolitionists, and we have friends who are screen liberalists,” Mr. Barbieri said.
Nellie Bowles covers tech and internet culture. Follow her on Twitter: @nelliebowles