©Kaia Rae, 2017 Many iGen teens are “addicted” to their smartphones, unable to imagine a world without them. Many modern-day teens do homework with their phones in hand. Is this the most productive way work? Objective: The objective of this study was to acquire qualitative data determining if restricting phone usage effects anxiety and productivity…
Author: KaiaRae
Max Stossel: on the Center for Humane Technology and Teen Screen-Time
Max Stossel is also the Head of Education for the Center for Humane Technology, an organization of former tech insiders and CEOs dedicated to aligning technology with humanity’s best interests. Before joining the Center for Humane Technology, Max was a media strategist with an extensive background in social media, spending more time learning the ins and…
“A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley”
“SAN FRANCISCO — The people who are closest to a thing are often the most wary of it. Technologists know how phones really work, and many have decided they don’t want their own children anywhere near them. A wariness that has been slowly brewing is turning into a regionwide consensus: The benefits of screens as…
“Six Screen-Time Studies That Changed My Parenting Approach”
Fascinating article from the parent’s point of view, dealing with children’s screen-time. What role does parents screen use play in this?? Main studies include: Screen-Time Guidelines Aren’t Set in Stone Devices at Bedtime Really Aren’t a Good Idea Signs Your Child Might Be Addicted to Tech Reading with Your Children Has a Big Impact Maybe…
Jerry Mander: An Author and Environmental Activist’s Cautionary Take on our Obsession with Screens
Jerry Mander is an American activist and author, best known for his 1977 book, Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television. After receiving his M.S. from Columbia, Jerry worked in advertising for many years. He later worked with the noted environmentalist, David Brower, managing the Sierra Club’s advertising campaigns, In 1971 he founded the first non-profit advertising…
Ethan Zuckerman: An MIT Associate Professor Using Digital Media for Social Change
Ethan Zuckerman, Director of the Center for Civic Media at MIT, and an Associate Professor of the Practice at the MIT Media Lab. His research focuses on the use of media as a tool for social change, the role of technology in international development, and the use of new media technologies by activists. He…
Chris Kresser: A Father with a Functional Medicine Perspective on Digital Technology
Chris Kresser is a globally recognized leader in the fields of ancestral health, nutrition, and functional and integrative medicine. He is the New York Times bestselling author of two books: The Paleo Cure and Unconventional Medicine. Chris is the co-founder and co-director at the California Center for Functional Medicine. He is also the creator of the…
Tech Talk Tuesday
Screenagers filmmaker, Dr. Delaney Ruston, shares her family’s weekly topics to help you manage and decrease struggles around screen time. Subscribe to her Tech Talk Tuesday program to receive conversation starters about social media, video game use, tech tips, latest research and more. TTTs work any day but the key is to stick with it….
HOPELAB Study Reveals Some Positive Effects of Social Media
A new study by Hopelab researchers Victoria Rideout, M.A. and Susannah Fox titled “Digital Health Practices, Social Media Use, and Mental Well-Being Among Teens and Young Adults in the U.S.” offers a revolutionary view on teens and young adults in relation to social media. The 2018 study reveals that social media may play a significant role…
Phone Contract
I just found this while looking through old documents! My parents made me write and sign this contract before I could get an iPhone when I was 14. I had to promise I would obey all their rules regarding screen time and that I would not become addicted…Oops! I also promised I would not bring…